My passion project, which is now on its third iteration using Svelte. While plenty of front-ends to the world of Pokémon already exist, none of them solve my needs quite right. On mobile, the site needs to feel light-weight and easily digestable. Additional features of the site should seek to be non-intrusive.
At its core, it is just a PokeAPI frontend. But a number of microservices have sprawled from it. Lots of sites also let their data become out of date which is incredibly infuriating - and one day that will be me, so an auto-update functionality was also quite important.
Product and project aside, it's also been a massive learning opportunity to apply new tech to a real product, such as:
- Auto-ingesting new data without need for manual input
- Using AWS Lambda and SQS
- Auto-deploying changes to a Github Repo
- Using Pocketbase as a simple backend
- Handling OAuth
- Deploying to AWS with proper backup strategies
- github.com/helblinglilly/aws-pocketbase
- Using Cloudflare
- Pages projects to host this site
- R2 to host social media preview images
- Workers
- To generate user avatars: avatar.helbling.uk
- To debug social media previews: socialpreview.helbling.uk
- Observability
- Error reporting with Sentry
- Log ingest with Axiom
- Unify the above with New Relic